
Kerala style villa 13


Kerala style villa 12


Kerala style villa 11


Measurement conversion square feet to square meters

NO METRE MLTIPLIED BY FEET EXAMPLE 1 1 METRE 3.28 3.28 FEET 5*3.28 = 16.4 FEET 2 1 SQUARE METRE 10.76 10.76 SQUARE FEET 5*10.76 = 53.8 SQUARE FEET 3 1 CUBIC METRE 35.315 35.315 CUBIC FEET 5*35.315 = 176.58 CUBIC FEET ...

Site plan

Drawing Plans or anything is really rather easy. Mostly it takes a little time and patience.  Things you will need Need from you Desire to Draw Patience Time Imagination Tools or Instruments (for Hand Drawing) Paper Pencil (B, H and HB lead) Good Eraser Ruler, Architectural and Engineering Scales Calculator Table and Comfortable Chair For CAD Drawings (for Computer Drawing) Paper Pencil (B, H and HB lead) Good Eraser Ruler, Architectural and Engineering Scales Calculator Computer - Monitor with Internet Printer Scanner Prepare a rough sketch on a piece of paper. This will be the first layout. Examples of  site plan models...

Kerala style villa 10


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